
Last Updated: April 9, 2013

i) Published Research:

Bendell, J. F. S. & C. D. Fowle, 1950. Some methods for trapping and marking ruffed grouse. J. Wildlife Management, 14(4): 480-482. APM Reprint # 4180.

Brooks, R. J. & J. B. Falls, 1975. Individual recognition by song in white-throated sparrows. I. Discrimination of songs of neighbours and strangers. Can. J. Zool., 53(7): 879-888. APM Reprint # 2745.

Brooks, R. J. & J. B. Falls, 1975. Individual recognition by song in white-throated sparrows. III. Song features used in individual recognition. Can. J. Zool., 53(12): 1749-1761. APM Reprint # 2747.

Falls, J. B. & R. J. Brooks, 1975. Individual recognition by song in white-throated sparrows. II. Effects of location. Can. J. Zool., 53(10): 1412-1420. APM Reprint #2746.

Falls, J. B., 1963. Properties of bird song eliciting responses from territorial males. Proc. 13th International Ornithological Congress, pg. 259-271. APM Reprint # 1664.

Falls, J. B., 1969. Functions of territorial song in the white-throated sparrow. Pp. 207-232 in Hinde, R. A. [ed.], Bird Vocalizations, Cambridge University Press. APM Reprint # 142.

Falls, J. B., 1978. Bird song and territorial behaviour. Pp. 61-89 in Krames, L., Pliner, P. & T. Alloway [eds.], Aggression, Dominance and Individual Spacing, Plenum Press, New York. APM Reprint # 5265.

Falls, J. B., 1981. Mapping territories with playback: an accurate census method for song birds. Pp. 86-91 in Ralph, C. J. & J. M.

Falls, J. B., 1988. Does song deter territorial intrusion in white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis)? Can. J. Zool., 66: 206-211. APM Reprint # 1693.

Fowle, C. D. & A. M. Fowle, 1954. Observations at a whip-poor-will’s nest Can. Field-Naturalist, 68(1): 37-39. APM Reprint # 2043.

Hope, C. E., 1947. Nesting of the evening grosbeak in Algonquin Park. Auk, 64: 463-464. APM Reprint # 235.

Houtman, A. M. & J. B. Falls, 1994. Negative assortative mating in the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis: the role of mate choice and intra-sexual competition. Anim. Behav., 48(2): 377-383. APM Reprint # 5456.

Ingold, J. L. & G. E. Wallace, 1994. Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula). In Poole, A. & F. Gill [eds.], The Birds of North America, No. 119 Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, D.C.: The American Ornithologists’ Union. 24 pp. APM Reprint # 5447.

Knapton, R. W. & J. B. Falls, 1982. Polymorphism in the white-throated sparrow: habitat occupancy and nest-site selection. Can. J. Zool., 60: 452-459. APM Reprint #3317.

Knapton, R. W. & J. B. Falls, 1983. Differences in parental contribution among pair types in the polymorphic white-throated sparrow. Can. J. Zool., 61: 1288-1292. APM Reprint # 3377.

Knapton, R. W., 1984. Parental feeding of nestling nashville warblers: the effects of food type, brood-size, nestling age, and time of day. Wilson Bulletin, 96(4): 594-602. APM Reprint # 4144.

Knapton, R. W., Cartar, R. V. & J. B. Falls, 1984. A comparison of breeding ecology and reproductive success between morphs of the white-throated sparrow. Wilson Bulletin, 96(1): 60-71. APM Reprint # 3671.

Knapton, R. W., Cartar, R. V. & J. D. Reynolds, 1985. Do hummingbirds follow sapsuckers to food sources? Blue Jay, 43(3): 186-187. APM Reprint # 4090.

Kopachena, J. G. & J. B. Falls, 1991. An experimental study of brood division in white-throated sparrows. Anim. Behav., 42: 395-402. APM Reprint # 5188.

Kopachena, J. G. & J. B. Falls, 1992. Post-fledging parental care in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Can. J. Zool., 71: 227-232. APM Reprint # 5321.

Kopachena, J. G. & J. B. Falls, 1993. Re-evaluation of morph-specific variations in parental behaviour of the white-throated sparrow. Wilson Bulletin, 105(1): 48-59. APM Reprint # 5283.

Kopachena, J. G. & J. B. Falls, 1993. Aggressive performance as a behavioural correlate of plumage polymorphism in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Behaviour, 124(3-4): 249-265. APM Reprint # 5343.

Loncke, D. J., 1972. Cedar waxwing courts white-throated sparrow. Auk, 90: 674-675. APM Reprint # 199.

Loncke, D. J. & J. B. Falls, 1973. An attempted third brood in the white-throated sparrow. Auk, 90: 904. APM Reprint # 5354.

Lowther, J. K., 1961. Polymorphism in the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Can. J. Zool., 39: 281-292. APM Reprint # 210.

Lowther, J. K. & R. E. Walker, 1967. Sex ratios and wing chord lengths of pine siskins (Spinus pinus) in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Can. Field-Naturalist, 81(3): 220-222. APM Reprint # 1666.

Martin, N. D., 1960. An analysis of bird populations in relation to forest succession in Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario. Ecology, 41(1): 126-140. APM Reprint # 818.

McLaren, M. A., 1975. Breeding biology of the boreal chickadee. Wilson Bulletin, 87(3): 344-354. APM Reprint # 2774.

McLaren, M. A., 1976. Vocalizations of the boreal chickadee. Auk, 93: 451-463. APM Reprint # 3097.

Melemis, S. M. & J. B. Falls, 1982. The defense function: a measure of territorial behaviour. Can. J. Zool., 60: 495-501. APM Reprint # 3307.

Reynolds, J. D. & R. W. Knapton, 1984. Nest-site selection and breeding biology of the chipping sparrow. Wilson Bulletin, 96(3): 488-493. APM Reprint # 3743.

Richmond, S., Nol, E., & Burke, D. 2011. Avian nest success, mammalian nest predator abundance, and invertebrate prey availability in a fragmented landscape. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 89(6), 517-528.

Scott [eds.], Estimating Numbers of Terrestrial Birds, Proc. of Int. Symposium, Studies in Avian Biology No. 6, the Cooper Ornith. Soc. APM Reprint # 4333.

Stefanski, R. A. & J. B. Falls, 1972. A study of distress calls of song, swamp, and white-throated sparrows (Aves: Fringillidae). I. Intraspecific responses and functions. Can. J. Zool., 50(12): 1501-1512. APM Reprint # 1950.

Stefanski, R. A. & J. B. Falls, 1972. A study of distress calls of song, swamp, and white-throated sparrows (Aves: Fringillidae). II. Interspecific responses and properties used in recognition. Can. J. Zool., 50(12): 1513-1525. APM Reprint # 1948.

Stenger, J. & J. B. Falls, 1959. The utilized territory of the ovenbird. Wilson Bulletin, 71(2): 125-140. APM Reprint # 1445.

Stenger, J. W. & J. B. Falls, 1959. Differential responses of male ovenbirds to recorded songs of neighbouring and more distant individuals. Auk, 76: 343-351.

Stenger, J., 1958. Food habits and available food of ovenbirds in relation to territory size. Auk, 75: 335-346. APM Reprint # 658.

Theberge, J. B. & D. A. Gauthier, 1982. Factors influencing densities of territorial male ruffed grouse, Algonquin Park, Ontario. J. of Wildlife Management, 46(1): 263-268. APM Reprint # 3230.

Thorneycroft, H. B., 1966. Chromosomal polymorphisms in the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Science, 154(3756): 1571-1572. APM Reprint # 95.

Thorneycroft, H. B., 1975. A cytogenetic study of the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Evolution, 29: 611-621. APM Reprint # 2759.

Tozer, D. C. 2008. Nests of Black-throated Green Warblers in tree cavities. Wilson Journal of Ornithology

Tozer, D. C., E. Nol, D. M. Burke, K. A. Elliott, and K. J. Falk. 2009. Bear predation of woodpecker nests: is nestling begging and habitat choice risky business? Auk, 126(2): 300-309.

Weeden, J. & J. B. Falls, 1959. Differential responses of male ovenbirds to recorded songs of neighbouring and more distant individuals. Auk, 76: 343-351. APM Reprint # 137.

Whillans, K. V. & J. B. Falls, 1990. Effects of male removal on parental care of female white-throated sparrows, Zonotrichia albicollis. Anim. Behav., 39(5): 869-878. APM Reprint # 4724.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1975. Response of the ovenbird (Parulidae) to an outbreak of the spruce budworm. Can. J. Zool., 53(11): 1669-1672. APM Reprint # 1176.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1976. A second brood in the ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus. Can. Field-Naturalist, 90: 58-59. APM Reprint # 4164.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1976. Bias and mortality in the use of tartar emetic to determine the diet of ovenbirds. Can. J. Zool., 54(10): 1599-1603. APM Reprint # 1133.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1976. Do ovenbirds hunt by expectation. Can. J. Zool., 54(11): 1894-1903. APM Reprint # 1131.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1976. Ovenbird (Aves: Parulidae) hunting behaviour in a patchy environment: an experimental study. Can. J. Zool., 54(11): 1863-1879. APM Reprint # 1132.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1976. Foraging behaviour, learning and exploration by captive ovenbirds. Can. J. Zool., 54(11): 1880-1893. APM Reprint # 1134.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1977. Influence of capturing a prey on subsequent search in the ovenbird (Aves: Parulidae). Can. J. Zool., 55(12): 1958-1969. APM Reprint # 5346.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1977. Ejection of pellets by captive ovenbirds. Auk, 94: 145-146. APM Reprint # 5357.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1978. Bivariate normal song territories in the ovenbird. Can. J. Zool., 56(10): 2088-2092. APM Reprint # 2092.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1978. Prey selection by captive ovenbirds (Aves: Parulidae). J. Anim. Ecol. 47: 929-943. APM Reprint # 5358.

Zach, R. & J. B. Falls, 1979. Foraging and territoriality of male ovenbirds (Aves: Parulidae) in a heterogeneous habitat. J. Anim. Ecol., 48: 33-52. APM Reprint # 3285.

ii) Doctoral and Master’s Theses:

Brooks, R. J., 1966. Song as a factor in intraspecific individual recognition in the white-throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto. 113 pp. APM Reprint # 5082.

Falk, K. 2010 Spatial patterns of nesting by neotropical migratory birds M.Sc thesis, Trent University. Peterborough, ON.

Featherstone, J. D., 1966. Effects of food supply on the utilized territory of the ovenbird, Seiurus aurocapillus. Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto. 44 pp. APM Reprint # 5638.

Hall, S. 2009. The effects of population density on circulating testosterone and dawn chorus behaviour in WhiteThroated Sparrows. M.Sc. thesis, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, ON

Jones, J. G., 1987. Use of space by male white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis). Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 314 pp. APM Reprint # 1171.

Kopachena, J. G., 1992. Behavioural correlates of plumage polymorphism and post-fledgling parental care in the white-throated sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 244 pp. APM Reprint # 5106.

Lainevool, M., 1966. Some aspects of territorial behaviour in the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 97 pp. APM Reprint # 5080.

Lowther, J. K., 1960. Some aspects of the breeding biology of the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). I. The nesting cycle. II. The nesting habitat. Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 48 pp. APM Reprint # 5095.

Lowther, J. K., 1962. Colour and behavioural polymorphism in the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 97 pp. APM Reprint # 524.

Mancuso, Kristen. The effect of logging on sapwell tree selection by the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in Algonquin Provincial Park. MSc. Thesis. Trent University, Peterborough, ON.

Martin, N. D., 1956. An analysis of bird populations in relation to plant succession in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois, 379 pp. APM Reprint # 5646.

McLaren, M. A., 1973. Vocalizations of the boreal chickadee (Parus hudsonicus, Forster) and their social context. Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 94 pp. APM Reprint # 2374.

McLaren, P. L., 1975. Habitat selection and resources utilization in four species of wood warblers (Aves: Parulidae). Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 168 pp. APM Reprint # 2685.

Oliver, D. G., 1981. The spatial distribution of singing effort in ovenbirds, Seiurus aurocapillus (Aves: Parulidae). Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 62 pp. APM Reprint # 2212.

Smith, A. B. T., 1997. Changes in the bird communities of four forest habitats in Algonquin Park, Ontario from 1952-53 to 1995-96. Master’s thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 120 pp.

Stefanski, R. A. 1969. A study of distress calls of song, swamp and white-throated sparrows. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 137 pp. APM Reprint # 5526.

Stenger, J., 1957. Territorial behaviour in the ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus) with special reference to the role of food in the extent of the territory. Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 124 pp. APM Reprint # 5085.

Strickland, D., Kielstra, B., & Norris, D. R. 2011. Experimental evidence for a novel mechanism driving variation in habitat quality in a food-caching bird. Oecologia, 167(4), 943-950.

Thorneycroft, H. B., 1968. A cytogenetic study of the white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin). Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 64 pp. APM Reprint # 5525.

Wallace, G. E., 1992. Delayed plumage maturation and plumage variability in the ruby-crowned kinglet (Regulus calendula, L.). Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Guelph, 98 pp. APM Reprint # 5086.

Whillans-Browning, K. V., 1986. Reproduction and parental care in the polymorphic white-throated sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis. Master’s Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 108 pp. APM Reprint # 4042.

Zach, R., 1976. Foraging behaviour of the ovenbird in a patchy environment. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Toronto, 269 pp. APM Reprint # 2862.

iii) Technical and Research Papers:

Bendell, J. F. S., 1950. Drumming as a factor influencing the local dispersal of ruffed grouse. Wildlife Report No. 12.

Fowle, C. D., 1946. A preliminary study of the ruffed grouse in the Brule lake area, Algonquin Park, Ontario. Research Report No. 9, Algonquin Park, Wildlife Investigations 36 pp. APM Reprint # 229.

Fowle, C. D., 1946. The ruffed grouse investigation, 1946. Inter-division report, Research Division, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. pp. 26-28. APM Reprint # 2531.

Fowle, C. D., 1947. Territorial behaviour as a basic concept in ruffed grouse management. Wildlife Report No. 3, Research Division, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests 10 pp.

Fowle, C. D., 1947. Some observations on the territorial behaviour of the ruffed grouse. Wildlife Report No. 4, Research Division, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests 9 pp.

Hagmeier, E. M., 1950. Some observations on the breeding of the blackburnian warbler in a coniferous-deciduous forest. Wildlife Report No. 15, Division of Research, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. 7 pp. APM Reprint # 4156.

Hope, C. E., 1946. Bird population studies in Algonquin Park, 1945. Research Report No. 9, Algonquin Park, Wildlife Investigations. 23 pp. APM Reprint # 230.

Hope, C. E., 1946. Bird banding in Algonquin Park, 1946. Inter-Division Report, Research Division, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, pp. 50-51. APM Reprint # 2528.

Hope, C. E., 1946. Bird population studies in Algonquin Park, 1946. Inter-Division Report, Research Division, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests pp. 30-46. APM Reprint # 2530.

Hope, C. E., 1949. Effect of DDT on birds and the relation of birds to the spruce budworm, 1944. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Biological Bulletin 2: 57-62. APM Reprint # 696.

Hyslop, C., 1994. Effects of selective logging on forest birds in Algonquin Park 1992: progress report. Typewritten report, University of Ottawa, February 1993, 3 pp. APM Reprint # 5505.

Lemon, R., 1955. Some criticisms of the methods used to census populations of breeding small birds. Wildlife File Report No. 41. Ontario Department of Lands and Forests.

Stenger, J., 1956. Report on the ovenbird study. Wildlife Research Station, University of Toronto.